kenya broadcasting corporation kbc

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About Company


Kenya Broadcasting Corporation is a state corporation established by an Act of parliament CAP 221 of the Laws of Kenya to provide independent and impartial broadcasting services of information, education and entertainment and in English and Kiswahili and in such other languages that the corporation may decide.


Kenya’s most reliable, dynamic and trusted broadcaster.


To provide leadership in transmission of objective, informative, educative and entertaining content to the public through high quality broadcasts.


Kenya Broadcasting Corporation is committed to providing objective, informative, educative and entertaining content to our customers through high quality broadcasts.

The Corporation shall:

  1. Endeavour to contribute to the economic, educational, cultural and social well-being of Kenyans by embracing best practices and values, as we discharge our Public Broadcasting mandate;
  2. Satisfy applicable requirements and continually improve by implementing a Quality Management System based on ISO 9001:2015
  3. Review established Quality Objectives on an annual basis to reflect emerging Customer aspirations and priorities.


  1. Quality services
  2. Innovation and creativity
  3. Professionalism
  4. Teamwork
  5. Social responsibility
  6. Competitiveness and value for money
  7. Honesty and integrity
  8. Respect for national, cultural, religious, family values and diversity


  1. Increased understanding among the people on the government development policies and strategies.
  2. Impart knowledge on the process of effective communication with key publics.
  3. Promote an effective approach to the use of radio and television as tools for National Development.


  1. KBC Radio Taifa Nairobi region 92.9 FM, Namanga 89.9 FM, Nakuru 104.1 FM, Kapenguria 93.3 FM, Rift Valley 88.6 FM, Kisii 93.9 FM, Lodwar 88.6 FM & Central region 87.6 FM.
  2. KBC English Service in Nairobi region 95.6 FM, Nakuru 96.5 FM, Kapenguria 97.8 FM, Nyeri 100.7 FM and Rift Valley, Western & Nyanza on 91.5 FM.
  3. Eastern Service: Borana, Rendile, Burji and Turkana.
  4. Western Service: Kuria, Teso, Suba and Pokot.


  1. Coro FM on Nairobi 99.5 FM, 102.3 FM in Nyeri and 99.7 FM in Nakuru.
  2. Pwani FM on 104.7 FM in Mombasa and 93.7 FM in Malindi.
  3. Nosim FM on 90.5 FM in Narok and Kajiado.
  4. Minto FM on 101.7 FM in Kisii region.
  5. Kitwek FM on 92.9 FM in Eldoret and on 98.9 FM to other parts of Rift Valley.
  6. Mayienga FM on 93.7 FM in Kisumu and environs.
  7. Mwatu FM on 93.1 FM in Makueni.
  8. Mwago FM on 103 FM in Meru.
  9. Ingo FM on 100.5 FM in Western region.
  10. Iftiin FM on 101.9 FM in Nairobi, 89.9 FM in Garissa and1305 KHZ in Wajir.
  11. Ngemi FM on 103.5 FM in Embu


  1. KBC Channel 1
  2. Y254

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