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Is It Advisable To Include Soft Skills On Your Resume?

The question of whether to include soft skills on your resume is a hot topic in the job market today. Some argue they’re essential, while others say they’re clichés or redundant.

So, what’s the truth?

This guide is here to clarify that. We will look at both sides to help make the right decisions. We will all also walk you through the best soft skills to include on your resume to boost your chances of landing a job.

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are also known as transferable skills or interpersonal skills. They are personal qualities that you possess that will help you get hired and perform your job effectively. They’re not tied to specific technical knowledge or experience but rather reflect your character, work ethic, and ability to collaborate and navigate the work environment.

Soft vs hard skills

Hard skills are the job-specific abilities that you possess as a candidate through training, coaching, or education. For instance, as a software engineer, you program and debug—those are hard skills. On the hard side, soft skills are personal traits that reflect your character, ability to collaborate, and work ethic.

Here’s a table summarizing the key differences:

FeatureHard SkillsSoft Skills
Type of skillSpecific, technicalGeneral, transferable
AcquisitionFormal education, training, experiencePersonality, experience, practice
Job relevanceDirectly tied to specific job requirements
Relevant across various roles
MeasurabilityQuantifiable (e.g., test scores, certifications)Difficult to quantify, subjective assessment
ExamplesProgramming languages, financial modeling, surgical proceduresCommunication, teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking, emotional intelligence

Should you include soft skills on your resume?

Yes, you should include the soft skills on your resume. According to research done by Forbes, 95% of recruiters believe that soft skills are becoming more important when it comes to senior and leadership roles.

Another study done by LinkedIn reveals that 92% of recruiters and hiring managers are more likely to hire candidates with strong soft skills.

The data never lie.

Now, how do you include the soft skills on your resume to make it noticed by the hiring managers? Keep reading to discover more!

How to Include soft skills on your resume

This is one of the mistakes many candidates commit on their resume- they TELL but don’t SHOW.

If you want your resume to stand out do this. Instead of using general words such as “excellent communicator” use action verbs and concrete examples to showcase your soft skills.


Let’s say you spearheaded a complex project where you steered a team. You also demonstrated problem-solving capabilities and you came up with brilliant ideas.

You need to describe all this step by step on your resume. “How did you do it? ” What were the positive outcomes? Include them in your work experience or create a dedicated “skills” section where you paint a vivid picture of your skills in action. Doing this the right way will not only make your resume stand out but will also create a lasting impression that leads you to get hired.

How many soft skills should you list on your resume?

When it comes to listing soft skills on your resume, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The optimal number depends on several factors, including the specific job you’re applying for, your overall experience level, and the format of your resume. However, a recent survey done by Linkdeln suggests that you should include 2-3 soft skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Remember less is more and the hiring manager spends only 6 seconds reviewing your resume. Make sure anything you include on your resume counts.

Where should you put soft skills on the resume?

There are two best ways to include soft skills on your resume. First, if you are an entry-level job seeker include at the top of your resume under the summary where you create a dedicated section for skills. Second, include them at the bottom below your education section.

Note: These are only the best practices there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to where you should put your soft skills on your resume, as it depends on your specific experience, career stage, and the type of job you’re applying for.

Most in-demand soft skills to include on your resume

1. Communication

93% of recruiters revealed that communication is one of the most soft skills they look for when going through your resume. These skills encompass written communication and verbal skills, active listening, and the ability to tailor the message to the audience.

2. Teamwork and collaboration

This is the ability of job seekers to work with other teams in an organization. It also involves respecting diverse perspectives, resolving conflicts constructively, and contributing positively to the team dynamic.

A recent survey found that 75% of employers consider teamwork and collaboration as one of essential skills when hiring. Make sure to include it on your resume if you possess it.

3. Problem-solving and Critical Thinking

65% of employers seek it. This is the ability of a job seeker to identify, analyze, and develop creative solutions. It also involves critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to make sound decisions under pressure.

4. Adaptability and Flexibility

In 2019 a survey done by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) found that 58% of employers consider adaptability and flexibility to be key soft skills for the modern workforce.

The quality involves candidates’ ability to adapt to new situations and learn new skills. It also involves the ability of job seekers to be open to new ideas, be comfortable with ambiguity, and be willing to adjust their approach when needed.

5. Time Management and Organization

This quality involves properly managing your time at work, prioritizing tasks, and being able to meet deadlines. A survey done found that 55% of employers list time management and organization as top priorities when evaluating candidates.

Additional in-demand soft skills to consider:

  • Leadership
  • Initiative and self-motivation
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Customer service
  • Negotiation and persuasion
  • Attention to detail
  • Resilience and stress management
  • Technology proficiency

Crafting a resume that gets you noticed by recruiters can feel overwhelming. Kick Jobs takes the guesswork out of you! We craft your resume with the language that hiring managers understand, boosting your chances of landing the interview you deserve. Get it now.


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